Greenwashing is going legal

Greenwashing has gone legal! 

As someone who has spent much of their time consumed in the sustainable space, seeing greenwashing being taken seriously and brands falling due to false claims and made-up terms, is a win we have been waiting patiently for. 

So here’s what you need to know about the two laws that went into effect in February:

First, is SB 343 which amends existing law that makes it against the law to use any misleading sustainable/environmental marketing claims on packaging. It’s specifically honing in on brands that discreetly use similar recyclable symbols to trick the consumer. 

You might think, “oh, no company would actually do that,” but sadly the reality is that so many do, and before February they would profit from the false claims and get away with it. 

The next one is AB 1201 (which we did a whole article on here) which amends existing law that prohibits anyone from selling plastic products that are labeled “compostable” unless that product actually meets regulations and requirements. 

Again, another regulation prioritizing honest claims. It seems like this would be common sense, but like we say it all the time, there’s not enough resources focused on regulations aimed at climate. 

To think that these laws haven’t always been in effect can be mind boggling. Companies making diligent claims on their products without passing any requirements will now have implications. 

Accountability is finally happening, and we couldn’t be more thrilled. 

To learn more about these laws visit the Department of Justice, Kamala Harris’ Reference Guide


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