Electric Vehicles are taking the high road

As gas prices rise, the push for electric vehicles has never been higher. We’re seeing a huge influx of interest in EV’s as consumers are exploring new alternatives to saving money at the pump. 

Electric vehicles have been in the cards for awhile and slowly making their way into the industry, but now the incentive to actually buy one for Americans is getting higher and higher. 

Now you might be reading and thinking, “okay so why isn’t everyone buying an electric car right now if this is supposedly the time to buy?

It’s a little more complicated than that and here’s why:

Though electric cars are the future of the automobile industry completely, the struggle lies within production. The pandemic supply issues have slowed manufacturing and the war on Ukraine has impacted production and distribution. 

The demand for EV’s has never been higher (which in the eyes of a climate consultant is an amazing feeling and we are so happy that people are finally jumping on the bandwagon), but we also are realistic and know that any demand being higher than the supply will create problems.

Don’t fret, we still have some happy news about state rebates!

The top 5 States that have the best incentives for Electric vehicles are:

  • Colorado,

  • Connecticut,

  • Delaware,

  • Maryland, and

  • California.

    Any incentives offered for EV’s are Government-offered rebates to promote the ownership of an electric vehicle. 

There’s tons more to learn about EV’s and if you’re interested in buying one or knowing your options, The Zebra has a very informative article that can be found here.


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