What is 1% for the planet?

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1% for the Planet is an organization that pairs businesses and individuals with certified and pre-approved nonprofits, each with a different environmental focus. 1% for the Planet was founded by Yvon Choulnard, the CEO of Patagonia, and Craig Matthews in 2002. Since then, their network has grown to include over 3,000 businesses and individuals which have given back over $200 million to a variety of nonprofits. 

1% for the Planet’s model allows for both businesses and individuals to participate in giving back to our planet through annual memberships and everyday actions - 1% for the Planet member businesses give at least 1% of their annual sales while Individual Members give at least 1% of their annual salary. For business members, half of the 1% commitment comes in the form of employee volunteer time and/or in-kind product or service donations, or approved promotional support. 

1% for the Planet is committed to directly supporting non-profits in the following areas: climate, food, land, pollution, water, and wildlife. Each of these core areas includes solutions in different ways depending on the area that are identified by the non-profit experts as the most effective ways to solve each issue. 

By contributing to 1% for the Planet, businesses, as well as individuals, receive third party certification, strategic giving approaches, networking opportunities, engagement, and visibility. It is an internationally recognized and respected organization that makes giving back to our planet easy.

Restore Media and Strategy has been a proud business member of 1% for the Planet since 2021. 


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